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Are you feeling the weight of generational patterns, holding you back from the life you truly desire?

Have you ever thought, "There has to be more to life than this"?

Our Journey Together:

Let's embark on a transformational journey to break free from these constraints, heal ancestral wounds, and rediscover your true self. It's about embracing your unique path and finding empowerment in your story.

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"The one who knows how to return always arrives."

What is Ancestral Lineage Healing?

Ancestral healing is the process of healing the wounds and traumas of one's ancestors in order to bring about healing and transformation in one's own life.

This approach to healing recognizes that the experiences and traumas of our ancestors can have a profound impact on our own well-being and can be passed down through the generations.

Ancestral healing can take many forms, including traditional healing practices, spiritual practices, and therapy. Some common techniques used in ancestral lineage healing include:

Genealogical research

Tracing one's ancestry and learning about the experiences and challenges faced by one's ancestors can provide valuable insights into the origins of any lingering pain or unresolved issues in one's own life.

Ancestor veneration: Many cultures have traditions of honoring and paying respect to their ancestors. This can be done through ceremonies, rituals, or simply setting aside time to remember and honor the ancestors.

Ancestral trauma work: Therapy or other healing practices that specifically address the impact of ancestral trauma on one's own life can be an important part of ancestral lineage healing. This may involve working with a therapist or other healer to identify and heal any unresolved emotional wounds.

Spiritual practices: Some people find that incorporating spiritual practices, such as prayer, meditation, customs, or rituals into their healing journey can be helpful in connecting with and healing their lineage.

Your goals. Our guided approach.



Work privately with Kristin to assess and uncover your unique needs and ancestral patterns.

Individual sessions are an immersion into our Lineage Healing experience, a guided journey aimed at addressing the root causes behind generational patterns and personal distress. This session is designed to offer profound insights and facilitate deep healing.

We end with an intentional and actionable plan to continue the healing process. Afterall, this is a journey not a race.


Group intensives are best for small groups, retreats, and family gatherings.

Collectively, Kristin guides participants through a powerful collaborative ancestral healing experience to unpack often hidden and unknown ancestral patterns.

Through guided meditation, real-time coaching, and guided practice, participants experience deeper understanding and lineage elevation to support their journey.

Ready to Begin?

If you're ready to embrace your true self and break free from generational constraints, contact us today.

Your path to freedom starts here.

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*For new clients

*For current clients only